Listen to Call March 31, 2015 Linda Morris, Gloria Offerle and others share with us the importance of having a balance of Alkalinity and minerals in our bodies.
Gloria Offerle and Dr. Heather Loucks N.D. sent these references to Linda, which she forwarded on to our group.
"Hi Linda, I just sent a reference to the books and web site for Real Salt for the call this morning. Please send it to your list of people you have on the call. I think it will save some time and they will all have it. Thank you so much for all you do to make this call possible. Gloria
Batmanghelidj, Dr. F. Your Body's Many Cries for Water
Batmanghelidj, Dr. F. Water for Health, Healing and Life
Brownstein, Dr. David Salt Your Way to Health
Emoto, Masaru Hidden Messages in Water
Jhon, Dr. Mu Shik The Water Puzzle and the Hexagonal Key
Pangman, M.J. Hexagonal Water
The Realsalt Company Heber City Utah:
Other References
Detoxify or Die Sherry A Rogers, MD
Theodore Baroody Alkalize or Die
Robert Young The PH Miracle
Phil Offerle Common Sense about Salt and Water"
"Heather just sent this pdf on Dr. Sang Whang's book Reverse Aging: "
Who knew you can help yourself drop pounds and be healthier by drinking healthy water like Nikken Pi-Mag Water and using Real Salt or Himalayan Salt.