Learn How To Take A Shower On The Inside and Let Your Food Be Your Medicine

Learn How To Take A Shower On The Inside and Let Your Food Be Your Medicine
Learn How To Take A Shower On The Inside and Let Your Food Be Your Medicine

Thursday, May 9, 2013

May 9, 2013 Call

The Greater Good Movie Trailer

Listen to Call   May 9, 2013 Jeannie moderated the call and talked about Vaccinations, Aluminum used as a carrier in them and the Standard American Diet. Websites mentioned were the:  http://www.greatergoodmovie.org and http://www.wellbeingjournal.com 

Additionally, Betty adds: Today's topics included information on sourdough starter and information from the Joel Fuhrman, M.D. book "Eat To Live".  

One topic was The American Diet: Designed for Disease stating that Americans currently consume about 25.5 percent of their calories from fiberless animal foods and another 62 percent from highly processed refined carbs and extracted oils. Almost half of all vegetables consumed are potatoes,and half of the potatoes consumed are in the form of fries or chips.
Thank you Betty. Your support is so appreciated!

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

May 7, 2013 Call

Listen to Call  May 7,2013. Had a successful day traveling to and past Chicago to Hammond, Indian

Monday, May 6, 2013

May 6, 2013

Sunset from Iowa M63

Listen to Call   May 6, 2013   I'm on vacation (Road Trip to Buffalo NY) for the next two weeks. Recorded the call while on the road. Feel free to make comments

Saturday, May 4, 2013

May 3, 2013 Call

Walk a minumum of 2 1/2 hours per week

Listen to Call   May 3, 2013   Monte moderated the call today. Reviewed an Associated Press article questioning the safety of antibacterial soaps and agents. The FDA started the review of these agents when Richard Nixon was president. After 40 years, it's safety has never been proven. Dangers of using non stick pans. Per NASA Scientests, excercise and movement, especially rebounding, is extremely effective way to remove toxins from your body. CDC suggests 2 1/2 hours of walking per week will help prevent obesety

Thursday, May 2, 2013

May 2, 2013 Call

Listen to Call   May 2, 2013  Call was moderated by Jeannie.  She talked about eating Organic. Click on the link above and read an article and see the lists

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

May 1, 2013 Call

The Vegan Before Dinnertime Diet, Pt 1

Vegan Before Dinnertime

Listen to Call   May 1, 2013 Call was moderated by Betty. She shared this review by email: On today's call we discussed the Dr. Oz Show with Mark Bittman, the author of VB6 (Vegan 'Till 6 Meal Plan). The program has just one,simple rule: Avoid meat and dairy from breakfast until dinnertime. Instead, load up on foods that are packed with nutrients, not calories - fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, oils. When dinnertime rolls around, however, you can eat whatever you'd like. The plan is easy and doesn't require a lot of sacrifice. 

We decided that is just what the public is looking for, but not exactly what will work for us.  It is a far cry from the doctors we follow (Fuhrman, McDougall and Caldwell Esselstyn). Our goal is better health, not just another diet!
We also spoke about exercise and what effect it has on the heart, the brain and the whole body.  Information that came from Dr. Joel Fuhrman.
Thank you Betty.